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ZEN S695-2Z deep groove ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  ZEN S695-2Z deep groove ball bearings

ZEN S695-2Z deep groove ball bearings pdf

Various types and sizes to accommodate 190 Bore Diameter (mm) 195 Outer Diameter (mm) your ZEN S695-2Z deep groove ball bearings requirements.

Bore Diameter (mm) 190
Outer Diameter (mm) 195
Bearing Type flanged
Shaft Dia., Nominal (d) 190.0000
Shaft Size (ds) – 190 -0.170 / -0.216 190 0.170 / 0.216
Housing Bore Dia. (Dh) – 195 +0.046 / -0 195 +0.046 / 0
Bearing Outside Diameter, Nominal(Do) 195.000
Bearing Bore after Mounting (di) – 195 +0.115 / -0 195 +0.115 / 0
Wall Thickness (S3) 2.500
Bearing Length, Nominal (B) 80.000
Bearing Length Tolerance (B tol.) – +0 / -0.40 +0 / 0.40
OD Chamfer Length (Co) 1.800
ID Chamfer Angle (B deg.) 45
ID Chamfer Length (Ci) 0.600
Flange Dia. (Dfl pm 0.5) 225.000
Flange Thickness (Sfl) 2.500
Flange Radius (rfl) 2.000
Material Wrapped bronze with lubrication holes.

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