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ZB1.20.0310.200-2SPTN ISB Outer Diameter 400mm 216x400x55mm Thrust ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  ZB1.20.0310.200-2SPTN ISB Outer Diameter 400mm 216x400x55mm Thrust ball bearings

ZB1.20.0310.200-2SPTN ISB Outer Diameter  400mm 216x400x55mm  Thrust ball bearings pdf
Bearing number ZB1.20.0310.200-2SPTN
Size (mm) 216x400x55
Brand ISB
Bore Diameter (mm) 216
Outer Diameter (mm) 400
Width (mm) 55
d 216 mm
D 400 mm

  Detailed Parameters


61809-2Z Deep groove ball bearingsSize :45x58x7mm ,Outer Diameter :58mm ,Brand:ZEN ,Bore Diameter :45mm
S6302-2RSR Deep groove ball bearingsSize :15x42x13mm ,Bore Diameter :15mm ,Outer Diameter :42mm ,Brand:FAG
R170.13 Wheel bearingsDesignation FAG:713615230 ,Brand:SNR ,Designation SKF:VKBA 1321 ,Designation Ruville:7013 ,Designation SX:CX249
22313B Spherical roller bearingsBrand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :65mm ,Outer Diameter :140mm ,Size :65x140x48mm
3383/3329 Tapered roller bearingsWidth :29.37mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :41.275mm ,Outer Diameter :81.755mm ,Size :41.275x81.755x29.37mm
320RF30 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :453mm ,Bore Diameter :320mm ,F:347 mm ,d:320 mm ,Brand:Timken
RNA 4902 2RS Needle roller bearingsBrand:NBS ,Bore Diameter :20mm ,Size :20x28x13mm ,Outer Diameter :28mm
53260X Thrust ball bearingsOuter Diameter :420mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :300x420x100.5mm ,Bore Diameter :300mm
P 30 WF Bearing unitsBore Diameter :30mm ,s1:30.1 mm ,Brand:SKF ,d:30 mm
FR 1-4 ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:NSK ,Width :3.571mm ,d:1.984 mm ,Size :1.984x7.518x3.571mm ,Bore Diameter :1.984mm ,Outer Diameter :7.518mm

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