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W208PP13 CYSD 22.225x80x39.52mm C 18 mm Deep groove ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  W208PP13 CYSD 22.225x80x39.52mm C 18 mm Deep groove ball bearings

W208PP13 CYSD 22.225x80x39.52mm  C 18 mm Deep groove ball bearings pdf
Bearing number W208PP13
Size (mm) 22.225x80x39.52
Brand CYSD
Bore Diameter (mm) 22.225
Outer Diameter (mm) 80
Width (mm) 39.52
d 22.225 mm
D 80 mm
B 39.52 mm
C 18 mm
Be 18 mm
Bi 39.52 mm

  Detailed Parameters


32912 Tapered roller bearingsSize :60x85x17mm ,Width :17mm ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Outer Diameter :85mm ,Brand:CYSD
98400/98788 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :200mm ,Brand:NSK ,Bore Diameter :101.6mm ,Size :101.6x200x52.761mm
6922-Z Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:CYSD ,Bore Diameter :110mm ,Outer Diameter :150mm ,Width :20mm ,Size :110x150x20mm
HK3520 Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :35x42x20mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Outer Diameter :42mm
L433749/10 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :215.9mm ,Size :165.1x215.9x26.195mm ,Bore Diameter :165.1mm ,Width :26.195mm ,Brand:ISO
6206ZNR Deep groove ball bearingsCa min:4.67 mm ,a max:3.28 mm ,a min:3.07 mm ,Ca max:4.98 mm
RNA 4918 Needle roller bearingsWidth :35mm ,Size :105x125x35mm ,Outer Diameter :125mm ,Brand:IKO ,Bore Diameter :105mm
EE433301D/433512 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :762mm ,Outer Diameter :1295.4mm ,Brand:Timken ,Size :762x1295.4x311.153mm
NAFW 659560 Needle roller bearingsSize :65x95x60mm ,Width :60mm ,Outer Diameter :95mm ,Bore Diameter :65mm ,Brand:JNS
110057X/110096XG Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :96.838mm ,Brand:Gamet ,Size :57.15x96.838x65mm ,Width :65mm ,Bore Diameter :57.15mm

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