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TGB35186 SNR C 79 mm 30x126x79mm Angular contact ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  TGB35186 SNR C 79 mm 30x126x79mm Angular contact ball bearings

TGB35186 SNR C 79 mm 30x126x79mm  Angular contact ball bearings pdf
Bearing number TGB35186
Size (mm) 30x126x79
Brand SNR
Bore Diameter (mm) 30
Outer Diameter (mm) 126
Width (mm) 79
d 30 mm
D 126 mm
C 79 mm

  Detailed Parameters


GE280XS Plain bearingsOuter Diameter :400mm ,Width :155mm ,Bore Diameter :280mm ,Brand:FBJ ,Size :280x400x155mm
NAO70X100X60 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :70mm ,d:70 mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Outer Diameter :100mm
NU 406 MA Thrust ball bearingsBrand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :30mm ,Width :23mm ,Size :90x30x23mm ,Bore Diameter :90mm
51224 Thrust ball bearingsSize :120x170x39mm ,d:120 mm ,Width :39mm ,Outer Diameter :170mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Bore Diameter :120mm
4T-34300/34478 Tapered roller bearingsY2:1.33 ,a:25.81 mm ,d1:98.5 mm ,Y0:0.73 ,e:0.45
RT18003 Thrust roller bearingsOuter Diameter :1060.000mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :900x1060x130mm ,Width :130.000mm ,d:900.000 mm ,Bore Diameter :900.000mm
NANF207 Bearing unitsA:36.5 mm ,Brand:KOYO ,A0:53.8 mm ,d:35 mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm
369S/362A Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :47.625mm ,Size :47.625x88.9x20.638mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :88.9mm
430322 Tapered roller bearingsWidth :118mm ,Size :110x240x118mm ,Outer Diameter :240mm ,Bore Diameter :110mm ,d:110 mm ,Brand:NTN
22313EG15W33 Thrust roller bearingsOuter Diameter :140.000mm ,Size :65x140x48mm ,d:65.000 mm ,Bore Diameter :65.000mm ,Brand:SNR ,Width :48.000mm

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