T7FC060 NSK 60x125x37mm Basic static load rating (C0) 197 kN Tapered roller bearings

Bearing number | T7FC060 |
Size (mm) | 60x125x37 |
Brand | NSK |
Bore Diameter (mm) | 60 |
Outer Diameter (mm) | 125 |
Width (mm) | 37 |
d | 60 mm |
D | 125 mm |
T | 37 mm |
B | 33.5 mm |
C | 26 mm |
a | 41.3 mm |
r min. | 3 mm |
r1 min. | 3 mm |
da min. | 78 mm |
Da min | 94 mm |
Da max. | 111 mm |
db max. | 72 mm |
Db min. | 119 mm |
ra max. | 2.5 mm |
rb max. | 2.5 mm |
Weight | 2.03 Kg |
Basic dynamic load rating (C) | 151 kN |
Basic static load rating (C0) | 197 kN |
(Grease) Lubrication Speed | 2800 r/min |
(Oil) Lubrication Speed | 3800 r/min |
Calculation factor (e) | 0.82 |
Calculation factor (Y0) | 0.4 |
LangID | 1 |
outer r | 3 |
D_ | 125 |
CAD | http://service.web2cad.co.jp/pcom/?Maker=NSK_RB&info=nsk_rb/roller_bearings/tapered_rb/single_row_trb/metric_design_asmtab.prj&varset={STAN=_}.{ORDER=T7FC060}.{SD=60}.{D=125}.{T=37.00}.{B=33.5}.{C=26.0}.{R=3.0}.{R1=3.0}.{CR1=151000}.{COR1=197000}.{CR2=15400}.{COR2=20100}.{LG=2800}.{LO=3800}.{ISO=7FC}.{DA1=78}.{DB1=72}.{DA2=111}.{DA3=94}.{DB2=119.0}.{SA=4.0}.{SB=11.0}.{RA=2.5}.{RA1=2.5}.{A=41.3}.{E=0.82}.{Y1=0.73}.{Y0=0.40}.{MASS=2.030} |
TC-BET22 | 30 |
TC-BET21 | 7 |
TC-BET23 | 0 |
inner r | 3 |
mass | 2.03 |
GRS rpm | 2800 |
D_b | 119 |
Cr | 15400 |
TC-RA | 120.698 |
DE_ | 104.054 |
T-ALP23 | 0 |
db | 72 |
T-ALP22 | 18 |
Prod_Type3 | TRBSR_MD_A |
da | 78 |
T-ALP21 | 57 |
Iso | 7FC |
ALPHA_ | 28.65 |
SDM_ | 91.086 |
SBRG | 7FC |
calcUrl | /BearingGuide/html/calculation.jsp |
D_a2 | 94 |
hidYobi | T7FC060 |
Y1 | 0.73 |
D_a1 | 111 |
B_ | 33.5 |
hidTable | ecat_NSTPRM |
Oil rpm | 3800 |
C0r | 20100 |
Y0 | 0.4 |
TC-SLR | 24.5 |
inner ra | 2.5 |
outer rb | 2.5 |
C0 | 197 |
Sa | 4 |
Sb | 11 |
e | 0.82 |
DA_ | 14.197 |
Z_ | 18 |
C_ | 26 |
yobi | T7FC060 |
TC-DA1 | 15.784 |
TC-DA2 | 12.61 |
KBRG | 3111 |
DI_ | 78.117 |
Detailed Parameters
BB1-3255 Deep groove ball bearings | Size :30x72x20.65mm ,Outer Diameter :72mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Brand:SKF |
NKI28/30 Needle roller bearings | Size :28x42x30mm ,Width :30mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :42mm ,Bore Diameter :28mm |
UCPK211 Bearing units | d:55 mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm ,Width :55.6mm ,Brand:NACHI |
7336 B Angular contact ball bearings | Width :75mm ,Size :180x380x75mm ,Outer Diameter :380mm ,Brand:ISB ,d:180 mm ,Bore Diameter :180mm |
2215-K+H315 Self aligning ball bearings | Brand:NKE ,Size :75x130x31mm ,Bore Diameter :75mm ,Outer Diameter :130mm |
QT4 Tapered roller bearings | Bore Diameter :80mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Outer Diameter :170mm ,Width :42.5mm ,Size :80x170x42.5mm |
UKPE206H Bearing units | Bore Diameter :25mm ,Brand:SNR ,d:25 mm ,s1:20.5 mm |
CX533 Wheel bearings | Brand:CX ,Designation FAG:713690380 ,Designation SKF:VKBA 1386 ,Designation SNR:R140.58 |
7921C Angular contact ball bearings | Bore Diameter :105mm ,Size :105x145x20mm ,Outer Diameter :145mm ,Brand:CYSD |
24036-MB-W33 Spherical roller bearings | Outer Diameter :280mm ,Size :180x280x100mm ,Width :100mm ,Brand:NKE ,Bore Diameter :180mm |
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