SNR 32216A tapered roller bearings

SNR 32216A tapered roller bearings 55 mm d Industries and Applications ? We sell discount online as well as cheap machinery parts. 70 mm D
d | 55 mm |
maximum p value: | 49 N/mm2;Static: 150 N/mm2 |
D | 70 mm |
maximum v value: | 0.25 m/s |
overall length: | 40 mm |
material specification: | 500SP1 SL4 |
sleeve bearing type: | Plain Sleeve |
standards met: | RoHS |
bearing material: | OILES 500SP1 SL4 High-strength Brass with Embedded Solid Lubricant |
series: | SPBL |
operating temperature range: | -40 to +176 °F |
additional details: | Lead Free |
maximum pv value: | 1.65 N/mm2 x m/s |
Detailed Parameters
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