SL045005-PP NBS Weight 0.24 Kg 25x47x30mm Cylindrical roller bearings
Detailed Parameters
6004 Deep groove ball bearings | Size :20x42x12mm ,Bore Diameter :20mm ,Outer Diameter :42mm ,Brand:NACHI |
SFRW2-5ZZ Deep groove ball bearings | Outer Diameter :7.9375mm ,Bore Dia (d):0.1250 ,Bearing Type:Flanged Shielded with Extended Inner ,Bore Diameter :3.175mm ,Brand:AST |
R156-2RS Deep groove ball bearings | Size :4.762x7.938x3.175mm ,d:4.762 mm ,Width :3.175mm ,Bore Diameter :4.762mm ,Outer Diameter :7.938mm ,Brand:ISO |
UCTU211+WU800 Bearing units | Width :55.6mm ,Brand:NACHI ,L2:175 mm ,d:55 mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm |
32038T183X/DB31C330 Tapered roller bearings | Bore Diameter :190mm ,Size :190x290x183mm ,Outer Diameter :290mm ,Brand:SKF |
P626-GB Deep groove ball bearings | d:6 mm ,Outer Diameter :19mm ,Size :6x19x6mm ,Bore Diameter :6mm ,Width :6mm ,Brand:ZEN |
YSPAG 210-115 Deep groove ball bearings | Outer Diameter :49.212mm ,Size :90x49.212x46mm ,Brand:SKF ,Width :46mm ,Bore Diameter :90mm |
NA 2205.2RSX Cylindrical roller bearings | Bore Diameter :25mm ,Outer Diameter :52mm ,Width :17.8mm ,Brand:SKF ,Size :25x52x17.8mm |
23038 KW33 Spherical roller bearings | Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :290mm ,Size :190x290x75mm ,Bore Diameter :190mm ,Width :75mm |
627 ZZ Deep groove ball bearings | Size :7x22x7mm ,Bore Diameter :7mm ,Outer Diameter :22mm ,Brand:CX |
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