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SL04-5030LLN NTN 150x225x100mm C 100.000 mm Cylindrical roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  SL04-5030LLN NTN 150x225x100mm C 100.000 mm Cylindrical roller bearings

SL04-5030LLN NTN 150x225x100mm  C 100.000 mm Cylindrical roller bearings pdf
Bearing number SL04-5030LLN
Size (mm) 150x225x100
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 150.000
Outer Diameter (mm) 225.000
Width (mm) 100.000
d 150.000 mm
D 225.000 mm
B 100.000 mm
C 100.000 mm

  Detailed Parameters


EXFS320 Bearing unitsd:100 mm ,Bore Diameter :100mm ,H3:260 mm ,Brand:SNR
MF52-2Z Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :5mm ,Bore Diameter :2mm ,Brand:ZEN ,Size :2x5x2.5mm ,Width :2.5mm
546/532-B Tapered roller bearingsSize :49.982x111.125x36.957mm ,Outer Diameter :111.125mm ,Bore Diameter :49.982mm ,Brand:Timken ,d:49.982 mm ,Width :36.957mm
PSL212-318 Thrust ball bearingsWidth :53.975mm ,Outer Diameter :330.2mm ,d:271.46 mm ,Bore Diameter :271.46mm ,Brand:PSL ,Size :271.46x330.2x53.975mm
NU2205-E-MPA Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :52mm ,Size :25x52x18mm ,Brand:NKE ,Bore Diameter :25mm
7221BDF Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :190mm ,Bore Diameter :105mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :105x190x36mm
31593/31520 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:Timken ,Outer Diameter :76.2mm ,Bore Diameter :34.925mm ,Size :34.925x76.2x29.37mm ,Width :29.37mm
JC35 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :170mm ,Bore Diameter :120mm ,Outer Diameter :225mm ,Size :120x225x170mm ,d:120 mm ,Brand:KOYO
N1026 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Bore Diameter :130mm ,Outer Diameter :200mm ,Size :130x200x33mm
QJM2.1/4 Angular contact ball bearingsWidth :31.75mm ,Bore Diameter :57.15mm ,Outer Diameter :127mm ,Size :57.15x127x31.75mm ,d:57.15 mm ,Brand:RHP

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