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SKF C 4912 K30V cylindrical roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  SKF C 4912 K30V cylindrical roller bearings

SKF C 4912 K30V cylindrical roller bearings pdf

SKF C 4912 K30V cylindrical roller bearings, Units and Housings CAD 77.788 d models , Manufacturing Service . 34307/478 Bearing No. 121.442 D Get Your Free.

Bearing No. 34307/478
d 77.788
D 121.442
T 24.608
B 23.012
r(min) 6.4
r1(min) 2.0
Cr 113
C0r 127
Cu 19.4
Grease lub. 3000
Oil lub. 4000
C 17.462
a(mm) 26.8
da 96.0
db 84.0
Da 110.0
Db 116.0
ra(max) 6.4
rb(max) 2.0
e 0.45
Y1 1.33
Y0 0.73
(Refer.)Mass(kg) 0.883

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