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SI25T/K Loyal Thread (G) M24x2 Plain bearings - Industrial Bearing

  SI25T/K Loyal Thread (G) M24x2 Plain bearings

SI25T/K Loyal Thread (G) M24x2  Plain bearings pdf
Bearing number SI25T/K
Bore Diameter (mm) 25
d 25 mm
B 31 mm
o 29.6 mm
k 42 mm
A 60 mm
F 94 mm
G 42 mm
J 33.5 mm
L 124 mm
M 22 mm
Thread (G) M24x2
Weight 0.75 Kg

  Detailed Parameters


R168.50 Wheel bearingsBrand:SNR ,Designation SX:CX386 ,Designation SKF:VKBA 3319 ,Designation FAG:713613160
GEZM 100 ES-2LS Plain bearingsBore Diameter :41.275mm ,d:25.4 mm ,Outer Diameter :25.4mm ,Width :38.1mm ,Brand:SKF ,Size :41.275x25.4x38.1mm
3306 ATN9 Angular contact ball bearingsd:30 mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Outer Diameter :72mm ,Width :30.2mm ,Brand:ISB ,Size :30x72x30.2mm
M-1481 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :22.225mm ,Outer Diameter :28.575mm ,Size :22.225x28.575x12.7mm ,Brand:Timken ,Width :12.7mm
LMEK40UU Linear bearingsD:62 mm ,d:40 mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Brand:Samick ,Outer Diameter :62mm
160RN93 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :160mm ,Outer Diameter :306mm ,d:160 mm
Q1005 Angular contact ball bearingsWidth :12mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,Brand:CX ,Size :25x47x12mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm
GTR 11013550 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :110mm ,Outer Diameter :135mm ,Size :110x135x50mm ,Width :50mm ,Brand:IKO
23976-K-MB + H3976-HG Spherical roller bearingsBrand:FAG ,Width :106mm ,Bore Diameter :360mm ,Size :360x520x106mm ,Outer Diameter :520mm
S6304-2Z Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :52mm ,Size :20x52x15mm ,Brand:ZEN ,Bore Diameter :20mm

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