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SCE69P AST Dynamic Load Rating (Cr) 1.300 Needle roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  SCE69P AST Dynamic Load Rating (Cr) 1.300 Needle roller bearings

SCE69P AST  Dynamic Load Rating (Cr) 1.300 Needle roller bearings pdf
Bearing number SCE69P
Brand AST
Bore Diameter (mm) 9.525
Outer Diameter (mm) 14.3
Width (mm) 14.3
Bearing Type Cage Retained Rollers. Single Seal
Outer Dia (D) 0.5630
Width (B) 0.5630
Dynamic Load Rating (Cr) 1.300
Static Load Rating (Cor) 1.490
Max Speed (Grease) (X1000 RPM) 20.000
Shaft (Fw) 0.375
Weight (g) 7.00
Material – Drawn cup: Hardened carbon steel alloy, Rollers 52100 Chrome steel or equivalent

  Detailed Parameters


NNF5034PP Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :170x260x122mm ,Bore Diameter :170mm ,Brand:ZEN ,Outer Diameter :260mm
T104 Thrust roller bearingsBore Diameter :26.289mm ,Size :26.289x50.8x15.875mm ,Outer Diameter :50.8mm ,Brand:Timken
AR130-37 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :130mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :130x230x95mm ,Outer Diameter :230mm
XAA33010/Y33010 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :50mm ,Brand:Timken ,Outer Diameter :80mm ,Size :50x80x24mm
ZR1.30.1140.400-1SPPN Thrust roller bearingsWidth :91mm ,d:979 mm ,Outer Diameter :1251mm ,Bore Diameter :979mm ,Size :979x1251x91mm ,Brand:ISB
9102K Deep groove ball bearingsSize :15x32x9mm ,Bore Diameter :15mm ,Outer Diameter :32mm ,Brand:Timken
CX039 Wheel bearingsDesignation FAG:713630300 ,Brand:CX ,Designation SNR:R155.13 ,Designation SKF:VKBA 869
54415 Thrust ball bearingsSize :78x160x123mm ,Width :123mm ,Bore Diameter :78mm ,Outer Diameter :160mm ,Brand:ISO
ESPLE201 Bearing unitss:6.5 mm ,Bore Diameter :12mm ,Brand:SNR ,d:12 mm
AX 12 180 225 Needle roller bearingsBrand:Timken ,Size :180x225x12mm ,Bore Diameter :180mm ,Outer Diameter :225mm

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