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R92Z-6 NSK 92x152.298x40mm B 39 mm Tapered roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  R92Z-6 NSK 92×152.298x40mm B 39 mm Tapered roller bearings

R92Z-6 NSK 92x152.298x40mm  B 39 mm Tapered roller bearings pdf
Bearing number R92Z-6
Size (mm) 92×152.298×40
Brand NSK
Bore Diameter (mm) 92
Outer Diameter (mm) 152.298
Width (mm) 40
d 92 mm
D 152.298 mm
T 40 mm
B 39 mm

  Detailed Parameters


AST090 17080 Plain bearingsOuter Diameter :175mm ,Bore Diameter :170mm ,Brand:AST ,Bearing Type:straight
KGSNS25-PP-AS Linear bearingsWidth :58mm ,d:25 mm ,Brand:INA ,Outer Diameter :40mm ,Size :25x40x58mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm
CRD-4805 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :240mm ,Size :240x400x160mm ,Outer Diameter :400mm ,Brand:NTN
NKXR20 Complex bearingsMinimum Buy Quantity:N/A ,Weight / Kilogram:0.08 ,EAN:4012802735994 ,Category:Thrust Roller Bearing ,BDI Inventory:16.0 ,Manufacturer Name:SCHAEFFLER GROUP
UCFCX11 Bearing unitsA0:43.7 mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm ,d1:55 mm ,H3:127 mm ,Brand:NACHI
NN 3007 SP Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:ISB ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Outer Diameter :62mm ,Size :35x62x20mm
UCFC202-10 Bearing unitsBrand:KOYO ,A4:28.3 mm ,H3:62 mm ,d:15.875 mm ,Bore Diameter :15.875mm
32214A Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :125mm ,Bore Diameter :70mm ,Size :70x125x33.25mm ,Brand:SNR
234411 MSP Thrust ball bearingsBrand:CX ,Size :55x90x44mm ,Outer Diameter :90mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm ,Width :44mm ,d:55 mm
RN213-E-MPBX Cylindrical roller bearingsd:65 mm ,Size :65x108.5x23mm ,Brand:FAG ,Bore Diameter :65mm ,Outer Diameter :108.5mm ,Width :23mm

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