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NTN PK20X29X15.1 needle roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  NTN PK20X29X15.1 needle roller bearings

NTN PK20X29X15.1 needle roller bearings pdf

With over 10170 full-service stores, our NTN PK20X29X15.1 needle roller bearings inventory 50x90x20 Size (mm) is extensive 90 Outer Diameter (mm) and our parts are priced right. within 24 hours. This helps 50 Bore Diameter (mm) you maximize your productivity by saving time and your hard-earned dollars.

Size (mm) 50x90x20
Bore Diameter (mm) 50
Outer Diameter (mm) 90
Width (mm) 20
d 50 mm
D 90 mm
H 20 mm
d1 64.4 mm
d2 72 mm
D1 72.1 mm
D2 80.43 mm
r1,2 – min. 1.1 mm
a 78 mm
da – min. 59 mm
db – min. 59 mm
Da – max. 84 mm
Db – max. 84 mm
ra – max. 1 mm
Basic dynamic load rating – C 46.5 kN
Basic static load rating – C0 146 kN
Fatigue load limit – Pu 5.4 kN
Limiting speed for grease lubrication 6000 r/min
Limiting speed for oil lubrication 7000 mm/min
Preload class A 4100 N
Preload class B 8200 N
Frictional moment, Preload class A 0.31 N·m
Frictional moment, Preload class B 0.68 N·m
Static Axial rigidity, Preload class A 1410 N/micron
Static Axial rigidity, Preload class B 1800 N/micron
Max. axial load – Fa max. 42.5 kN
Gref 5.2 cm3
r1,2 min. 1.1 mm
da min. 59 mm
db min. 59 mm
Da max. 84 mm
Db max. 84 mm
ra max. 1 mm
Basic dynamic load rating C 46.5 kN
Basic static load rating C0 146 kN
Fatigue load limit Pu 5.4 kN
Attainable speed for grease lubrication 6000 r/min
Attainable speed for oil-air lubrication 7000 r/min
Frictional moment, preload class A 0.31 N·m
Frictional moment, preload class B 0.68 N·m
Static axial stiffnes, preload A 1410 N/µm
Static axial stiffnes, preload B 1800 N/µm
Maximum axial load carrying capacity Fa max. 42.5 kN
Reference grease quantity Gref 5.2 cm³
Mass bearing 0.56 kg

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