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NTN 7209CGD2/GLP4 angular contact ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  NTN 7209CGD2/GLP4 angular contact ball bearings

NTN 7209CGD2/GLP4 angular contact ball bearings pdf

NTN 7209CGD2/GLP4 angular contact ball bearings Manufacturers , Online Wholesale 55 Bore Diameter (mm) Suppliers‎ 60 Outer Diameter (mm) ! straight Bearing Type

Bore Diameter (mm) 55
Outer Diameter (mm) 60
Bearing Type straight
Shaft Dia., Nominal (d) 55.0000
Shaft Size (ds) – 55 -0.100 / -0.130 55 0.100 / 0.130
Housing Bore Dia. (Dh) – 60 +0.030 / -0 60 +0.030 / 0
Bearing Outside Diameter, Nominal(Do) 60.000
Bearing Bore after Mounting (di) – 55 +0.074 / -0 55 +0.074 / 0
Wall Thickness (S3) 2.500
Bearing Length, Nominal (B) 40.000
Bearing Length Tolerance (B tol.) – +0 / -0.40 +0 / 0.40
OD Chamfer Length (Co) 1.800
ID Chamfer Angle (B deg.) 45
ID Chamfer Length (Ci) 0.600
Material Wrapped bronze with formed lubrication indents.

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