NTN 5204SCLLM angular contact ball bearings
What are the types of NTN 5204SCLLM angular contact ball bearings 1/2 in bore size: 7/8 in B ? Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, Instant price, design review.
bore size: | 1/2 in |
compatible tubing outside diameter: | 1-1/2 in |
B | 7/8 in |
compatible tubing gauge: | 16 ga |
bearing outside diameter: | 1.37 in |
bearing material: | PTFE Reinforced POM |
bearing type: | Roll End Plain Bearing |
operating temperature range: | Maximum of +225 °F |
bore shape: | Round |
maximum pv value: | 8000 |
outside diameter design: | Straight |
material specification: | Teflon Added to Delrin or Celcon |
closure type: | Open |
Detailed Parameters
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