NTN 4T-CRI-0966CS130PX1/L260 tapered roller bearings
What are the types of 53,975 Bore Diameter (mm) 21,946 Width (mm) 53,975 mm d NTN 4T-CRI-0966CS130PX1/L260 tapered roller bearings ? Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, Instant price, design review.
Bore Diameter (mm) | 53,975 |
Width (mm) | 21,946 |
d | 53,975 mm |
T | 21 mm |
B | 21,946 mm |
C | 17,826 mm |
a | 17,4 mm |
r min. | 1,6 mm |
r1 min. | 2 mm |
Da | 89 mm |
db | 60 mm |
da | 62 mm |
Db | 93 mm |
Basic dynamic load rating (C) | 80,4 kN |
Basic static load rating (C0) | 101 kN |
Calculation factor (e) | 0,35 |
Calculation factor (Y0) | 0,93 |
Detailed Parameters
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