NSK STF500RV6713g cylindrical roller bearings

170 Million used NSK STF500RV6713g cylindrical roller bearings instantly searchable. Shop our large selection of parts based on brand, price, description, 34.92 mm B and location. Order the with stock … 109.99 mm d
d | 109.99 mm |
D | 159.99 mm |
B | 34.92 mm |
C | 26.99 mm |
T | 34.92 mm |
d1 | 137 mm |
a | 33.52 mm |
e | 0.4 |
Y2 | 1.49 |
Y0 | 0.82 |
Mass | 2.24 kg |
Dynamic load, C | 167 kN |
Rating life coefficient, A2 | 1.9 |
Static load, C0 | 320 kN |
Fatigue limit load, Cu | 35.7 kN |
Nlim (oil) | 2,800 rpm |
Nlim (grease) | 2,100 rpm |
Min operating temperature, Tmin | -40 °C |
Max operating temperature, Tmax | 120 °C |
Characteristic cage frequency, FTF | 0.46 Hz |
Characteristic rolling element frequency, BSF | 13.57 Hz |
Characteristic outer ring frequency, BPF0 | 15.8 Hz |
Characteristic inner ring frequency, BPFI | 18.2 Hz |
ra max | 8 mm |
r1a max | 3.3 mm |
Detailed Parameters
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