NSK RSF-4948E4 cylindrical roller bearings

QuestionNSK RSF-4948E4 cylindrical roller bearings ? Find what you need faster by entering your 190×225.4×50 Size (mm) information .
Size (mm) | 190×225.4×50 |
Bore Diameter (mm) | 190 |
Outer Diameter (mm) | 225,4 |
Width (mm) | 50 |
d | 190 mm |
D | 240 mm |
E | 225,4 mm |
B | 50 mm |
C | 50 mm |
d1 | 209 mm |
r1 min. | 1,5 mm |
r2 min. | 1,5 mm |
r3 min. | 1,5 mm |
r4 min. | 1,5 mm |
S | 4 mm |
Weight | 5,5 Kg |
Basic dynamic load rating (C) | 311 kN |
Basic static load rating (C0) | 777 kN |
Detailed Parameters
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