NSK 6008T1XVV deep groove ball bearings

NSK 6008T1XVV deep groove ball bearings Industries and Applications ? We sell discount online 34.8 mm B as well 11 mm A1 as cheap machinery parts.
B | 34.8 mm |
A | 30 mm |
A1 | 11 mm |
A2 | 45.9 mm |
B1 | 44.3 mm |
d | 22.22 mm |
d1 | 37.4 mm |
e | 19 mm |
G | R1/8″ |
J | 70 mm |
L | 95 mm |
N | 11,5mm |
s1 | 30.9 mm |
S | 17.4 mm |
C | 14 kN |
C0 | 7.88 kN |
T min. | -20 °C |
T max. | 100 °C |
Weight | 0.85 kg |
Recommended tightening torque for set screw | 3.7 Nm |
Designation of housing | FE205- |
Designation of bearing | EX205-14G2L4 |
Detailed Parameters
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