NKE NUP418-M cylindrical roller bearings

What are the types of NKE NUP418-M cylindrical roller bearings ? Manufacturing Service 0.0 Inventory . TIMKEN Manufacturer Name Get Your Free, Instant price, design review.
Inventory | 0.0 |
Manufacturer Name | TIMKEN |
Minimum Buy Quantity | N/A |
Weight | 0.302 |
EAN | 0053893174112 |
Product Group | B04334 |
Precision Class | Standard |
Component | Assembly |
Basic Number | LM11949 |
Assembly Number | 90017 |
Assembly Components | LM11949 (2) | LM11910 (2) | K107061R (1) | K107087R (1) |
End Play | 0.014 |
Number of Tapered Rows | Double Row |
Inch – Metric | Inch |
Other Features | 2 Single Cone | 2 Single Cup | Light Medium Duty |
Long Description | Assembly; Standard Precision; Components LM11949 (2) | LM11910 (2) | K107061R (1) | K107087R (1); 3/ |
UNSPSC | 31171516 |
Harmonized Tariff Code | 8482.20.00.00 |
Noun | Bearing |
Keyword String | Tapered |
Manufacturer Item Number | LM11949-90017 |
Weight / LBS | 0.666 |
Flange Outside Diameter | 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter |
D | 1.781 Inch | 45.237 Millimeter |
d | 0.75 Inch | 19.05 Millimeter |
Assembly Width | 1.22 Inch | 30.988 Millimeter |
Detailed Parameters
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