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NKE 7236-BCB-MP angular contact ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  NKE 7236-BCB-MP angular contact ball bearings

NKE 7236-BCB-MP angular contact ball bearings pdf

What are the types of NKE 7236-BCB-MP angular contact ball bearings ? Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, Instant price, 1 LangID design review.

LangID 1
ALP23 0
ALP22 0
D_ 42
ALP21 15
SREX 0.03
mass 0.043
GRS rpm 24000
SRIX 0.03
D_a 39.5
fo 15.5
DE_ 38.27
Prod_Type3 ACBB_SR_C
da 27.5
m0 0.198
C_conv 7850
SDM_ 33.5
r1 0.15
SRI 2.48
hidYobi 7905CTYN
C 7.85
B_ 9
hidTable ecat_NSANGB
Oil rpm 34000
SRE 2.48
ra 0.3
C0 5.4
d 25
DA_ 4.762
Z_ 16
a 9
yobi 7905CTYN
r 0.3
KBRG 7017
DI_ 28.73

      Detailed Parameters


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