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LM25AJ Loyal 25x40x59mm B1 41 mm Linear bearings - Industrial Bearing

  LM25AJ Loyal 25x40x59mm B1 41 mm Linear bearings

LM25AJ Loyal 25x40x59mm  B1 41 mm Linear bearings pdf
Bearing number LM25AJ
Size (mm) 25x40x59
Brand CX
Bore Diameter (mm) 25
Outer Diameter (mm) 40
Width (mm) 59
d 25 mm
D 40 mm
h 2 mm
B 59 mm
B1 41 mm
D1 38 mm
W 1.85 mm
Weight 0.19 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 2.8 kN

  Detailed Parameters


30308DJR Tapered roller bearingsManufacturer Name:KOYO ,Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A ,BDI Inventory:1.0 ,Weight / Kilogram:0.76 ,Category:Tapered Roller Bearing Assemblies
NCF2972 V Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:CX ,Width :72mm ,Outer Diameter :480mm ,Size :360x480x72mm ,Bore Diameter :360mm
S6000 Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:ZEN ,Bore Diameter :10mm ,Size :10x26x8mm ,Width :8mm ,Outer Diameter :26mm
LM567949/LM567910 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :406.4mm ,Outer Diameter :549.275mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :406.4x549.275x85.725mm
3386/3320 Tapered roller bearingsd:39.688 mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :80.167mm ,Width :29.37mm ,Bore Diameter :39.688mm ,Size :39.688x80.167x29.37mm
23126BK Spherical roller bearingsBrand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :210mm ,Size :130x210x64mm ,Bore Diameter :130mm ,Width :64mm
CRO-3812 Tapered roller bearingsWidth :190mm ,Size :190x270x190mm ,Bore Diameter :190mm ,Outer Diameter :270mm ,Brand:NTN
61952 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :360mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :260x360x46mm ,Bore Diameter :260mm ,Width :46mm ,d:260 mm
RC4926 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :180mm ,Bore Diameter :130mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Size :130x180x50mm
L860049/10 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :415.925mm ,Bore Diameter :330.2mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :330.2x415.925x47.625mm

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