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LM13AJ Loyal Weight 0.042 Kg 13x23x32mm Linear bearings - Industrial Bearing

  LM13AJ Loyal Weight 0.042 Kg 13x23x32mm Linear bearings

LM13AJ Loyal Weight 0.042 Kg 13x23x32mm  Linear bearings pdf
Bearing number LM13AJ
Size (mm) 13x23x32
Brand CX
Bore Diameter (mm) 13
Outer Diameter (mm) 23
Width (mm) 32
d 13 mm
D 23 mm
h 1.5 mm
B 32 mm
B1 23 mm
D1 22 mm
W 1.3 mm
Weight 0.042 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 0.7 kN

  Detailed Parameters


EXFLZ201 Bearing unitsBrand:SNR ,Bore Diameter :12mm ,H3:55 mm ,d:12 mm
83A209D-9TC3 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :30mm ,Size :30x72x19mm ,Width :19mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Outer Diameter :72mm
ER1.14.0644.201-3STPN Thrust roller bearingsOuter Diameter :742.3mm ,Bore Diameter :574mm ,Brand:ISB ,Size :574x742.3x56mm
62/22ZE Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :22mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Size :22x50x14mm ,Outer Diameter :50mm
HM89443/HM89410 Tapered roller bearingsSize :33.338x76.2x29.37mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :76.2mm ,Bore Diameter :33.338mm ,Width :29.37mm
PR20E Plain bearingsWidth :20mm ,Db:34.92 mm ,d:20 mm ,Brand:NMB ,Bore Diameter :20mm
NCF2236 V Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :86mm ,Size :180x320x86mm ,Outer Diameter :320mm ,Bore Diameter :180mm ,d:180 mm ,Brand:CX
G1102KPPB3 Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :36.51mm ,Size :28.575x62x36.51mm ,Bore Diameter :28.575mm ,Outer Diameter :62mm ,Brand:Timken
567486A.H84 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :31.75mm ,Size :31.75x79.2x29.37mm ,Outer Diameter :79.2mm ,Brand:FAG
47TS976542A Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :482.6mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :482.6x647.7x417.512mm ,Outer Diameter :647.7mm

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