KOYO K38X46X20H needle roller bearings

What are the types of KOYO K38X46X20H needle roller bearings ? Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, 1 LangID Instant price, design review.
LangID | 1 |
ALP23 | 0 |
ALP22 | 0 |
D_ | 55 |
ALP21 | 15 |
SREX | 0.03 |
mass | 0.15 |
GRS rpm | 14000 |
SRIX | 0.03 |
D_a | 50 |
SRIN | 0 |
fo | 15.7 |
SREN | 0 |
DE_ | 50.962 |
db | 40 |
Prod_Type3 | ACBB_SR_MM_DF |
m0 | 0.247 |
C_conv | 19600 |
ALPHA_ | 15 |
SDM_ | 45 |
SBRG | 19 |
r1 | 0.3 |
SRI | 3.1 |
hidYobi | 7907CTYNDF |
C | 19.6 |
B_ | 10 |
hidTable | ecat_NSANGB |
Oil rpm | 20000 |
2B_ | 20 |
SRE | 3.1 |
rb | 0.6 |
ra | 0.6 |
C0 | 18.3 |
d | 35 |
DA_ | 5.953 |
Z_ | 17 |
yobi | 7907CTYNDF |
ao | 2.1 |
r | 0.6 |
KBRG | 7217 |
DI_ | 39.038 |
Detailed Parameters
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