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KD304565 NTN 30x45x65mm Weight 0.265 Kg Linear bearings - Industrial Bearing

  KD304565 NTN 30x45x65mm Weight 0.265 Kg Linear bearings

KD304565 NTN 30x45x65mm  Weight 0.265 Kg Linear bearings pdf
Bearing number KD304565
Size (mm) 30x45x65
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 30
Outer Diameter (mm) 45
Width (mm) 65
Fw 30 mm
D 45 mm
C 65 mm
t 0.7 mm
d1 2.5 mm
C1 53.5 mm
T 2.7 mm
Weight 0.265 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 3.85 kN

  Detailed Parameters


22228CDE4 Spherical roller bearingsBore Diameter :140mm ,Outer Diameter :250mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :140x250x68mm ,Width :68mm
TNB44263S01 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :27.5mm ,Bore Diameter :23mm ,Width :15.2mm ,Size :23x27.5x15.2mm ,Brand:SNR
35BCD07 Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:NACHI ,Outer Diameter :72mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Size :35x72x26mm
32034XU Tapered roller bearingsr1s min:2.5 mm ,Y2:1.35 ,rs min:3 mm ,d1:216.5 mm ,e:0.44
4202 Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :14mm ,Outer Diameter :35mm ,Bore Diameter :15mm ,Size :15x35x14mm ,Brand:CX
GE10N Plain bearingsBearing Type:standard ,Bore Diameter :10mm ,Brand:AST ,Outer Diameter :19mm
6900-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:FBJ ,Bore Diameter :10mm ,Width :6mm ,Outer Diameter :22mm ,Size :10x22x6mm ,d:10 mm
KGX090 Angular contact ball bearingsWidth :25.4mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Outer Diameter :279.4mm ,Size :228.6x279.4x25.4mm ,Bore Diameter :228.6mm
EGB6030-E50 Plain bearingsBrand:INA ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Size :60x65x30mm ,Outer Diameter :65mm
713690110 Wheel bearingsDesignation Ruville:5802 ,Designation SX:CX002R ,Designation SKF:VKBA 927 ,Designation SNR:R158.02 ,Brand:FAG

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