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KB2045UU Loyal 20x32x45mm D 32 mm Linear bearings - Industrial Bearing

  KB2045UU Loyal 20x32x45mm D 32 mm Linear bearings

KB2045UU Loyal 20x32x45mm  D 32 mm Linear bearings pdf
Bearing number KB2045UU
Size (mm) 20x32x45
Brand CX
Bore Diameter (mm) 20
Outer Diameter (mm) 32
Width (mm) 45
d 20 mm
D 32 mm
B 45 mm
B1 31.2 mm
D1 30.3 mm
W 1.6 mm
Weight 0.09 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 1.57 kN

  Detailed Parameters


W 629 Deep groove ball bearingsd:9 mm ,Size :26x9x8mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :9mm ,Width :8mm ,Bore Diameter :26mm
206KRR8 Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:CYSD ,Outer Diameter :62mm ,Size :30x62x24mm ,Width :24mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm
6410ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsSize :50x130x31mm ,Width :31.000mm ,Bore Diameter :50.000mm ,Outer Diameter :130.000mm ,Brand:NTN
AST50 100IB32 Plain bearingsShaft Dia., Nominal (d):6.2500 ,Bore Diameter :158.75mm ,Brand:AST ,Bearing Type:straight ,Shaft Size (ds) - 6.25:6.2475
BB40467 Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :35mm ,Size :35x55x14.5mm ,Width :14.5mm ,d:35 mm ,Brand:SNR ,Outer Diameter :55mm
NK 80/35 Needle roller bearingsFw:80 mm ,Brand:NBS ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Width :35mm ,Size :80x95x35mm ,Outer Diameter :95mm
M231649/10 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :152.4mm ,Outer Diameter :222.25mm ,Brand:CX ,Width :46.83mm ,d:152.4 mm ,Size :152.4x222.25x46.83mm
3803-B-2Z-TVH Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :17mm ,Outer Diameter :26mm ,Brand:FAG ,Size :17x26x7mm
17887/31 Tapered roller bearingsSize :45.23x79.985x19.842mm ,Outer Diameter :79.985mm ,Bore Diameter :45.23mm ,Brand:PFI
SA204 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :47mm ,Bore Diameter :20mm ,Size :20x47x21.5mm ,Brand:ISO

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