ISB 23188 K spherical roller bearings

With over 10170 full-service stores, our ISB 23188 K spherical roller bearings inventory is 100 D extensive and 7309DF Bearing No. our parts are priced right. within 24 hours. This helps you maximize your productivity by saving time and your hard-earned 45 d dollars.
Bearing No. | 7309DF |
d | 45 |
D | 100 |
B | 50 |
r(min) | 1.5 |
r1(min) | 1 |
Cr | 119 |
C0r | 80.9 |
Cu | 5.60 |
f0 | – |
Grease lub. | 5200 |
Oil lub. | 6500 |
a | 17.2 |
db(min) | 50.5 |
Da(max) | 91.5 |
ra(max) | 1.5 |
rb(max) | 1 |
(Refer.)Mass(kg) | 1.75 |
Detailed Parameters
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