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FLT CBK-337 tapered roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  FLT CBK-337 tapered roller bearings

FLT CBK-337 tapered roller bearings pdf

How do I place an EMERGENCY 82.55×133.35×39.688 Size (mm) order for a FLT CBK-337 tapered roller bearings that I want to pick up 133,35 Outer Diameter (mm) at a our store?

Size (mm) 82.55×133.35×39.688
Bore Diameter (mm) 82,55
Outer Diameter (mm) 133,35
Width (mm) 39,688
d 82,55 mm
D 133,35 mm
T 39,688 mm
B 39,688 mm
C 32,545 mm
d1 110.5 mm
a 32.19 mm
e 0.4
Y2 1.49
Y0 0.82
Mass 2.18 kg
Dynamic load, C 177 kN
Rating life coefficient, A2 1.4
Static load, C0 305 kN
Fatigue limit load, Cu 36.4 kN
Nlim (oil) 3,500 rpm
Nlim (grease) 2,600 rpm
Min operating temperature, Tmin -40 °C
Max operating temperature, Tmax 120 °C
Characteristic cage frequency, FTF 0.45 Hz
Characteristic rolling element frequency, BSF 10.09 Hz
Characteristic outer ring frequency, BPF0 11.31 Hz
Characteristic inner ring frequency, BPFI 13.69 Hz
ra max 3.5 mm
r1a max 3.3 mm
Inventory 0.0
Manufacturer Name NTN
Minimum Buy Quantity N/A
Weight / Kilogram 2.147
Product Group B04334

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