FAG 713690600 wheel bearings

FAG 713690600 wheel bearings Industries and Applications ? We sell discount online as well 8 Days Days to Ship as cheap machinery parts.
Days to Ship | 8 Days |
RoHS | 6 |
Bearing I.D. d(mm) | 20 |
Bearing Material | [Steel] Steel |
Housing Material | 1045 Carbon Steel |
Width T(mm) | 31 |
Holder Surface Treatment | Black Oxide Coating |
Height H(mm) | 40 ~ 60 |
Bearing Part Number | 6004 |
Seals | ZZ (Double Shield) |
Lateral Width L(mm) | 82 |
Shape | T-Shaped |
Bearing Used | Deep Groove Ball Bearings |
Bearing Retained | Yes (with retaining ring) |
Number of Bearings | Double |
Type | Bearings with Housings |
Detailed Parameters
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