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Excavator Hitachi Zx225usr Swing Bearing, Slewing Ring, Slewing Bearing - Industrial Bearing

  Excavator Hitachi Zx225usr Swing Bearing, Slewing Ring, Slewing Bearing

Excavator Hitachi Zx225usr Swing Bearing, Slewing Ring, Slewing Bearing pdf

The online Excavator Hitachi Zx225usr Swing Bearing, Slewing Ring, Slewing Bearing parts 4.1250 in D store gives you immediate access to a selection of more than 1.4 million new, 1.1875 in d used, remanufactured.

d 1.1875 in
radial static load capacity: 3461 lb
D 4.1250 in
seal type: Contact with Flinger
B 5.0000 in
length through bore: 1.81 in
bore type: Round
finish/coating: Uncoated
duty type: Medium Duty
maximum rpm: 5500 RPM
mounting type: Four-Bolt Piloted
lubrication type: Lubrication Fitting
housing material: Cast Iron
series: 207
locking device: Concentric Collar
expansion type: Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed)
manufacturer catalog number: 128856
radial dynamic load capacity: 5759 lb

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