CYSD RMS6 deep groove ball bearings

170 Million used CYSD RMS6 deep groove ball bearings instantly searchable. Shop our large selection of parts based on 139,7 Bore Diameter (mm) brand, price, description, and location. Order the 139.7×236.538×57.15 Size (mm) with stock …
Size (mm) | 139.7×236.538×57.15 |
Bore Diameter (mm) | 139,7 |
Outer Diameter (mm) | 236,538 |
Width (mm) | 57,15 |
d | 139,7 mm |
D | 236,538 mm |
T | 57,15 mm |
B | 56,642 mm |
C | 44,45 mm |
Weight | 10 Kg |
Basic dynamic load rating (C) | 501 kN |
Basic static load rating (C0) | 833 kN |
(Grease) Lubrication Speed | 2016 r/min |
Detailed Parameters
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