CYSD 6832-2RZ deep groove ball bearings
What are the types of 4.1250 in base width: CYSD 6832-2RZ deep groove ball bearings ? 13.7500 in overall length: Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, Instant price, design 3.5000 in d review.
d | 3.5000 in |
base width: | 4.1250 in |
overall length: | 13.7500 in |
expansion type: | Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed) |
overall height: | 7.7500 in |
finish/coating: | Uncoated |
mounting: | Two-Bolt Base |
B | 5.0000 in |
bearing type: | Tapered Roller |
seal type: | Contact Seal |
bore type: | Round |
lubrication type: | Lubrication Fitting |
housing construction: | Split Pillow Block |
operating temperature range: | Max 250° |
base to bore centerline: | 3.7500 in |
bolt size: | 0.8750 in |
duty type: | Standard Duty |
series: | RPB |
housing material: | Cast Iron |
standards met: | ABMA, ISO |
locking device: | Double Set Screw |
replacement bearing: | RCI-308 |
D | 10.125 to 11.2500 in |
manufacturer catalog number: | 559867 |
Detailed Parameters
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