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40MKM4720 KOYO 40x47x20mm b 17.3 mm Needle roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  40MKM4720 KOYO 40x47x20mm b 17.3 mm Needle roller bearings

40MKM4720 KOYO 40x47x20mm  b 17.3 mm Needle roller bearings pdf
Bearing number 40MKM4720
Size (mm) 40x47x20
Brand KOYO
Bore Diameter (mm) 40
Outer Diameter (mm) 47
Width (mm) 20
Fw 40 mm
D 47 mm
C 20 mm
b 17.3 mm
Weight 0.055 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 23.7 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 50.4 kN

  Detailed Parameters


LL575349/10 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :635mm ,Bore Diameter :539.75mm ,Brand:ISO ,Width :50.8mm ,Size :539.75x635x50.8mm
H924045/10 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :214.312mm ,d:111.125 mm ,Bore Diameter :111.125mm ,Size :111.125x214.312x55.562mm ,Width :55.562mm ,Brand:CX
NK 18/16-XL Needle roller bearingsWidth :16mm ,Fw:18 mm ,Size :18x26x16mm ,Outer Diameter :26mm ,Brand:INA ,Bore Diameter :18mm
NU408 Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :40x110x27mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Width :27mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,d:40 mm
GE60KRRB Deep groove ball bearingsSize :60x110x61.91mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm
H-LM102949/H-LM102910 Tapered roller bearingsSize :45.242x73.431x19.558mm ,Width :19.558mm ,Outer Diameter :73.431mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Bore Diameter :45.242mm
NU238EM Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :190x340x55mm ,Outer Diameter :340.000mm ,Bore Diameter :190.000mm ,Width :55.000mm ,Brand:SNR ,d:190.000 mm
BK2012 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :26mm ,Fw:20 mm ,Width :12mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :20x26x12mm ,Bore Diameter :20mm
GEC460XS-2RS Plain bearingsOuter Diameter :620mm ,Bearing Type:large size. sealed ,Brand:AST ,Bore Dia (d):460.0000 ,Outer Dia (D):620.0000 ,Bore Diameter :460mm
2LA-HSE932G/GNP42 Angular contact ball bearingsSize :160x220x28mm ,Brand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :160mm ,d:160 mm ,Width :28mm ,Outer Diameter :220mm

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