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32SF52 Timken d1 118.74 mm 82.55x130.175x61.9mm Plain bearings - Industrial Bearing

  32SF52 Timken d1 118.74 mm 82.55×130.175×61.9mm Plain bearings

32SF52 Timken d1 118.74 mm 82.55x130.175x61.9mm  Plain bearings pdf
Bearing number 32SF52
Size (mm) 82.55×130.175×61.9
Brand Timken
Bore Diameter (mm) 82.55
Outer Diameter (mm) 130.175
Width (mm) 61.9
d 82.55 mm
D 130.175 mm
B1 72.24 mm
C 61.9 mm
d1 118.74 mm

  Detailed Parameters


AST650 607480 Plain bearingsBearing Type:straight ,Brand:AST ,Shaft Dia., Nominal (d):60.0000 ,Housing Bore Dia. (Dh) - 74 +0.030 / -0:74 +0.030 / 0 ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Outer Diameter :74mm
5563 Wheel bearingsDesignation SKF:VKBA 3525 ,Designation FAG:713630300 ,Designation SNR:R155.63 ,Brand:Ruville
E-LM654649/LM654610DB Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :380.898mm ,Brand:NTN ,Width :162.176mm ,Bore Diameter :285.75mm ,Size :285.75x380.898x162.176mm
NH224 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :120mm ,Width :40mm ,Size :120x215x40mm ,d:120 mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :215mm
XTGB41510R00 Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :130mm ,Size :30x130x64.4mm ,Brand:SNR ,Bore Diameter :30mm
6904 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :37mm ,d:20 mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Bore Diameter :20mm ,Size :20x37x9mm ,Width :9mm
22336E Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :126mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Size :180x380x126mm ,Outer Diameter :380mm ,Bore Diameter :180mm
N1034-K-M1-SP Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :260mm ,Bore Diameter :170mm ,Size :170x260x42mm ,Brand:FAG ,Width :42mm ,d:170 mm
RNA 6914 Needle roller bearingsSize :80x100x54mm ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Brand:IKO ,Outer Diameter :100mm
UCFA204-12 Bearing unitsA1:11 mm ,Bore Diameter :19.05mm ,A:24 mm ,d:19.05 mm ,A0:32.1 mm ,Brand:KOYO

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