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3205 Loyal 25x52x20.6mm D 52 mm Angular contact ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  3205 Loyal 25x52x20.6mm D 52 mm Angular contact ball bearings

3205 Loyal 25x52x20.6mm  D 52 mm Angular contact ball bearings pdf
Bearing number 3205
Size (mm) 25x52x20.6
Bore Diameter (mm) 25
Outer Diameter (mm) 52
Width (mm) 20.6
d 25 mm
D 52 mm
B 20.6 mm
C 20.6 mm

  Detailed Parameters


GEZ 22 ES Plain bearingsBore Diameter :22.22mm ,Brand:ISB ,Size :22.22x36.51x19.43mm ,Outer Diameter :36.51mm
7032DT Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :160mm ,Size :160x240x38mm ,Outer Diameter :240mm ,Brand:CYSD
HK3216 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:CX ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Outer Diameter :39mm ,Width :16mm ,Size :35x39x16mm
NCF3014 V Cylindrical roller bearingsd:70 mm ,Width :30mm ,Size :70x110x30mm ,Bore Diameter :70mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,Brand:ISO
7318B Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Size :90x190x43mm ,Outer Diameter :190mm ,Bore Diameter :90mm
659/653 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :146.05mm ,Bore Diameter :76.2mm ,d:76.2 mm ,Size :76.2x146.05x41.275mm ,Width :41.275mm ,Brand:Fersa
MR688432+MI-586832 Needle roller bearingsBrand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :92.075mm ,Size :92.075x133.35x51.05mm ,Outer Diameter :133.35mm
NJ413-M+HJ413 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :37mm ,Brand:NKE ,Outer Diameter :160mm ,Size :65x160x37mm ,Bore Diameter :65mm
AST20 1825 Plain bearingsBore Diameter :18mm ,Outer Diameter :20mm ,Shaft Size (ds) - 18 +0 / -0/027:18 +0 / 0/027 ,Brand:AST ,Shaft Dia., Nominal (d):18.0000 ,Bearing Type:straight
28156/28300 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :76.2mm ,Size :39.98x76.2x19.347mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :39.98mm

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