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302TVL624 Timken 768.35x1006.475x139.7mm d1 838.2 mm Angular contact ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  302TVL624 Timken 768.35×1006.475×139.7mm d1 838.2 mm Angular contact ball bearings

302TVL624 Timken 768.35x1006.475x139.7mm  d1 838.2 mm Angular contact ball bearings pdf
Bearing number 302TVL624
Size (mm) 768.35×1006.475×139.7
Brand Timken
Bore Diameter (mm) 768.35
Outer Diameter (mm) 1006.475
Width (mm) 139.7
d 768.35 mm
D 1006.475 mm
T 139.7 mm
d1 838.2 mm
D1 901.7 mm
E 887.4 mm
H 887.4 mm

  Detailed Parameters


HR100KBE1801+L Tapered roller bearingsd:100 mm ,Bore Diameter :100mm ,Size :100x180x82mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :180mm ,Width :82mm
NF18/1600 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :155mm ,d:1600 mm ,Outer Diameter :1950mm ,Size :1600x1950x155mm ,Bore Diameter :1600mm ,Brand:CX
51101 Thrust ball bearingsd:12 mm ,Size :12x26x9mm ,Width :9mm ,Outer Diameter :26mm ,Brand:SKF ,Bore Diameter :12mm
71826C Angular contact ball bearingsSize :130x165x18mm ,Bore Diameter :130mm ,Brand:AST ,Outer Diameter :165mm
GE50ES Plain bearingsSize :50x75x35mm ,Brand:LS ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,d:50 mm ,Outer Diameter :75mm ,Width :35mm
HK2816 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :28mm ,Size :28x35x16mm ,Brand:Timken ,Width :16mm ,Outer Diameter :35mm
NUP1022 Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :110x170x28mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Width :28mm ,Outer Diameter :170mm ,Bore Diameter :110mm
TUP1 100.80 Plain bearingsBrand:CX ,d:100 mm ,Bore Diameter :100mm ,Outer Diameter :105mm
NUP2316 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:FBJ ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Width :58mm ,Size :80x170x58mm ,Outer Diameter :170mm
51103 Thrust ball bearingsD:30 mm ,Outer Diameter :30mm ,d1:18 mm ,d:17 mm ,Bore Diameter :17mm ,Brand:KBC

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