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29272-E-MB FAG 360x500x85mm rmin 4 mm Thrust roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  29272-E-MB FAG 360x500x85mm rmin 4 mm Thrust roller bearings

29272-E-MB FAG 360x500x85mm  rmin 4 mm Thrust roller bearings pdf
Bearing number 29272-E-MB
Size (mm) 360x500x85
Brand FAG
Bore Diameter (mm) 360
Outer Diameter (mm) 500
Width (mm) 85
d 360 mm
D 500 mm
T 85 mm
A 194 mm
D1 423 mm
Da max 461 mm
Db min 510 mm
d1 475 mm
da min 420 mm
db max 380 mm
ra max 3 mm
rmin 4 mm
T1 44 mm
T2 31 mm
T3 51 mm
T4 59 mm
m 46.1 kg / Weight
Ca 1840000 N / Dynamic load rating (axial)
C0a 8500000 N / Static load rating (axial)
nG 1150 1/min / Limiting speed
nB 720 1/min / Reference speed
Cua 455000 N / Fatigue limit load. axial

  Detailed Parameters


NK 10/16 TN Needle roller bearingsSize :10x17x16mm ,Brand:NBS ,Bore Diameter :10mm ,Width :16mm ,Outer Diameter :17mm
GTRI 254425 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :25mm ,Brand:IKO ,Size :25x44x25.5mm ,d:25 mm ,Outer Diameter :44mm ,Width :25.5mm
4T-74550/74845 Tapered roller bearingsd1:179 mm ,a:49.82 mm ,e:0.49 ,Y2:1.23
16005-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :47mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm ,Size :25x47x8mm ,Width :8mm ,Brand:CRAFT
D/W R1810 R-2ZS Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:SKF ,Size :12.7x7.938x3.967mm ,Bore Diameter :12.7mm ,Outer Diameter :7.938mm
32314 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:CYSD ,Size :70x150x54mm ,Width :54mm ,Outer Diameter :150mm ,Bore Diameter :70mm
NKI7/16-TN-XL Needle roller bearingsWidth :16mm ,Bore Diameter :7mm ,Brand:INA ,Outer Diameter :17mm ,Size :7x17x16mm
7307 CDF Angular contact ball bearingsWidth :42mm ,Outer Diameter :80mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Size :35x80x42mm ,Brand:ISO
81138-MB Thrust roller bearingsBore Diameter :190mm ,Brand:NKE ,Size :190x240x37mm ,Outer Diameter :240mm ,Width :37mm
FWF-758130 Needle roller bearingsBrand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :81mm ,Bore Diameter :75mm ,Ew:81 mm ,Fw:75 mm

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