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239420B KOYO 100x140x48mm W 8 mm Thrust ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  239420B KOYO 100x140x48mm W 8 mm Thrust ball bearings

239420B KOYO 100x140x48mm  W 8 mm Thrust ball bearings pdf
Bearing number 239420B
Size (mm) 100x140x48
Brand KOYO
Bore Diameter (mm) 100
Outer Diameter (mm) 140
Width (mm) 48
d 100 mm
D 140 mm
Ew 131 mm
T 48 mm
B 12 mm
C 24 mm
Angle (α) 60 °
d1 126 mm
r min. 1.1 mm
r1 min. 0.6 mm
W 8 mm
Weight 2.08 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 52.2 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 135 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 2 800 r/min

  Detailed Parameters


GEFZ19S Plain bearingsBrand:LS ,Outer Diameter :36.51mm ,Bore Diameter :19.05mm ,Size :19.05x36.51x19.05mm
RNA 4906U Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :47mm ,Width :17mm ,Brand:IKO ,Size :35x47x17mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm
NUP2324E Cylindrical roller bearingsd:120 mm ,Size :120x260x86mm ,Brand:NTN ,Width :86mm ,Bore Diameter :120mm ,Outer Diameter :260mm
369A/362A Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :47.625mm ,Brand:ISO ,Width :20.638mm ,Outer Diameter :88.9mm ,Size :47.625x88.9x20.638mm
1207K Self aligning ball bearingsBore Diameter :35mm ,Size :35x72x17mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Width :17mm ,Outer Diameter :72mm
6406 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :30mm ,Width :23mm ,Outer Diameter :90mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :30x90x23mm
HR30210J Tapered roller bearingsd:50 mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,Width :21.75mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :50x90x21.75mm ,Outer Diameter :90mm
US210G2 Deep groove ball bearingsd:50.000 mm ,Width :43.5mm ,Brand:SNR ,Size :50x90x43.5mm ,Bore Diameter :50.000mm ,Outer Diameter :90.000mm
RCJY35-N Bearing unitsP:21 mm ,Brand:NKE ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,d:35 mm
RNAFW759560 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :75mm ,Outer Diameter :95mm ,Size :75x95x60mm ,Brand:JNS

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