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2306SK NTN ra max. 1 mm 30x72x27mm Self aligning ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  2306SK NTN ra max. 1 mm 30x72x27mm Self aligning ball bearings

2306SK NTN ra max. 1 mm 30x72x27mm  Self aligning ball bearings pdf
rs min 1.1 mm
Associated sleeve reference H2306X
e 0.44
Y1 1.4
Y2 2.2
Y0 1.5
Radial clearance class CN
Precision class P0
Mass 0.48 kg
Dynamic load, C 32 kN
Static load, C0 8.75 kN
Nlim (oil) 10.000 rpm
Nlim (grease) 8.000 rpm
Min operating temperature, Tmin -20 °C
Max operating temperature, Tmax 120 °C
da min 36.5 mm
da max 40 mm
db min 35 mm
Ce min 5 mm
Da max 65.5 mm
ra max 1 mm
Bearing number 2306SK
Size (mm) 30x72x27
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 30
Outer Diameter (mm) 72
Width (mm) 27
d 30 mm
D 72 mm
B 27 mm
C 27 mm
r min. 1.1 mm
da min. 36.5 mm
Da max. 65.5 mm
ra max. 1 mm
Weight 0.48 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 32 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 8.75 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 8 000 r/min
(Oil) Lubrication Speed 10 000 r/min
Calculation factor (e) 0.44
Calculation factor (Y0) 1.5
Calculation factor (Y1) 1.4

  Detailed Parameters


42368/42584 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:ISO ,Width :28.575mm ,Bore Diameter :93.662mm ,Outer Diameter :148.43mm ,d:93.662 mm ,Size :93.662x148.43x28.575mm
51276 Thrust ball bearingsBrand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :380mm ,Outer Diameter :515mm ,d:380 mm
SF2907 Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :143.000mm ,Size :143x175x16mm ,Brand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :175.000mm
UCFL 206-17 Bearing unitsBore Diameter :27mm ,Dynamic Load Rating (Cr):4.364 ,Mounting Hole Dia. (s):0.4688 ,Bearing Type:Cast iron housing ,Brand:AST
SSN204ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :47.000mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :20x47x14mm ,Bore Diameter :20.000mm
K15x21x15 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :15mm ,Width :15mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :15x21x15mm ,Outer Diameter :21mm
ESPA210 Bearing unitsd:50 mm ,A:60 mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,A1:32 mm ,Brand:SNR ,s:11 mm
NF426 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :340mm ,Size :130x340x78mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :130mm
29438-E1 Thrust roller bearingsSize :190x380x115mm ,Outer Diameter :380mm ,Brand:INA ,Bore Diameter :190mm ,Width :115mm
FJ-3516 Needle roller bearingsWidth :16mm ,Size :35x42x16mm ,Outer Diameter :42mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Brand:NSK

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