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22217CW33 Loyal 85x150x36mm D 150 mm Spherical roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  22217CW33 Loyal 85x150x36mm D 150 mm Spherical roller bearings

22217CW33 Loyal 85x150x36mm  D 150 mm Spherical roller bearings pdf
Bearing number 22217CW33
Size (mm) 85x150x36
Bore Diameter (mm) 85
Outer Diameter (mm) 150
Width (mm) 36
d 85 mm
D 150 mm
B 36 mm
C 36 mm

  Detailed Parameters


NCF3072V Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :503.6mm ,Width :134mm ,Bore Diameter :360mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :360x503.6x134mm
HCB7028-E-T-P4S Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:FAG ,Bore Diameter :140mm ,Size :140x210x33mm ,Outer Diameter :210mm
23248W33 Spherical roller bearingsBore Diameter :240mm ,Size :240x440x160mm ,Outer Diameter :440mm ,Brand:ISO
23284 KCW33+H3284 Spherical roller bearingsSize :420x760x272mm ,Outer Diameter :760mm ,Width :272mm ,d:420 mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :420mm
NA207-22 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :31.75mm ,Size :31.75x72x37.6mm ,Width :37.6mm ,Brand:FYH ,Outer Diameter :72mm ,d:31.75 mm
133075/133136XP Tapered roller bearingsSize :75x136.525x66.75mm ,Bore Diameter :75mm ,Outer Diameter :136.525mm ,Width :66.75mm ,Brand:Gamet
KJ32X37X17 Needle roller bearingsEw:37.000 mm ,Bore Diameter :32.000mm ,Brand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :37.000mm ,Fw:32.000 mm
SEA90 /NS 7CE1 Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :115mm ,Brand:SNFA ,Size :90x115x13mm ,Width :13mm ,Bore Diameter :90mm
618/630 MA Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :780mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :630mm ,Width :69mm ,Size :780x630x69mm
7034 ACD/P4A Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :170mm ,Size :170x260x42mm ,Outer Diameter :260mm ,Brand:SKF

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