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20312-K-TVP-C3+H312 FAG 60x130x31mm r min. 2.1 mm Spherical roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  20312-K-TVP-C3+H312 FAG 60x130x31mm r min. 2.1 mm Spherical roller bearings

20312-K-TVP-C3+H312 FAG 60x130x31mm  r min. 2.1 mm Spherical roller bearings pdf
Bearing number 20312-K-TVP-C3+H312
Size (mm) 60x130x31
Brand FAG
Bore Diameter (mm) 60
Outer Diameter (mm) 130
Width (mm) 31
d 60 mm
d1 55 mm
D 130 mm
B 31 mm
C 31 mm
Dm 80 mm
I 47 mm
c 13 mm
r min. 2.1 mm
D1 111.2 mm
da max 78 mm
Da max. 118 mm
db min 65 mm
ra max. 2.1 mm
Weight 2.263 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 146 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 170 kN
Fatigue load limit (Pu) 15.2

  Detailed Parameters


W 61801 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :21mm ,Width :5mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :12mm ,Size :21x12x5mm
NNCF4996V Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :603mm ,Width :170mm ,Brand:NSK ,Bore Diameter :480mm ,Size :480x603x170mm
LMH25 Linear bearingsd:25 mm ,Brand:Samick ,Outer Diameter :40mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm ,D:40 mm
KBS1636-PP Linear bearingsd:16 mm ,D:26 mm ,Brand:NBS ,Outer Diameter :26mm ,Bore Diameter :16mm
63306-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :72mm ,Size :30x72x30.2mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :30mm
51316M Thrust ball bearingsOuter Diameter :140mm ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Brand:AST ,Bearing Type:with grooved raceway(s) ,Bore Dia (d):80.0000
SS 61807 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :47mm ,Brand:ISB ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Size :35x47x7mm
6314 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :70mm ,Brand:Fersa ,Width :35mm ,Outer Diameter :150mm ,Size :70x150x35mm
NJ2230-E-M1 + HJ2230-E Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :73mm ,Size :150x270x73mm ,Bore Diameter :150mm ,Brand:FAG ,Outer Diameter :270mm
6212-Z Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:ISB ,Width :22mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,Size :60x110x22mm ,Bore Diameter :60mm

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