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13687/13621 ISO C 15.083 mm 38.1x69.012x19.05mm Tapered roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  13687/13621 ISO C 15.083 mm 38.1×69.012×19.05mm Tapered roller bearings

13687/13621 ISO C 15.083 mm 38.1x69.012x19.05mm  Tapered roller bearings pdf
Bearing number 13687/13621
Size (mm) 38.1×69.012×19.05
Brand ISO
Bore Diameter (mm) 38.1
Outer Diameter (mm) 69.012
Width (mm) 19.05
d 38.1 mm
D 69.012 mm
T 19.05 mm
B 19.05 mm
C 15.083 mm
a 3 mm

  Detailed Parameters


N1956 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :380mm ,Brand:CX ,d:280 mm ,Bore Diameter :280mm ,Size :280x380x46mm ,Width :46mm
SX6A61LUZ Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :6.000mm ,Size :6x16x6mm ,Outer Diameter :16.000mm
3TM-SC08A92C3V1 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :40mm ,Width :16.5mm ,Size :40x80x16.5mm ,Outer Diameter :80mm ,Brand:NTN ,d:40 mm
62206-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :62mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Size :30x62x20mm ,Brand:Fersa
220RIT744 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :558.8mm ,D:711.2 mm ,F:587 mm ,Outer Diameter :683mm ,d:558.8 mm ,Brand:Timken
RNA 4860 Needle roller bearingsSize :330x380x80mm ,Outer Diameter :380mm ,Bore Diameter :330mm ,Brand:NBS
29412 M Thrust roller bearingsBrand:ISB ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Size :60x130x42mm ,Outer Diameter :130mm
6010-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :16mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,Brand:ISB ,Outer Diameter :80mm ,Size :50x80x16mm ,d:50 mm
60/28 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :52mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :28mm ,Size :28x52x12mm ,Width :12mm
T-HH231637/HH231615 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :127mm ,Brand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :295.275mm ,Size :127x295.275x82.55mm

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