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13687/13621 Fersa D 69.012 mm 38.1x69.012x19.05mm Tapered roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  13687/13621 Fersa D 69.012 mm 38.1×69.012×19.05mm Tapered roller bearings

13687/13621 Fersa D 69.012 mm 38.1x69.012x19.05mm  Tapered roller bearings pdf
Bearing number 13687/13621
Size (mm) 38.1×69.012×19.05
Brand Fersa
Bore Diameter (mm) 38.1
Outer Diameter (mm) 69.012
Width (mm) 19.05
d 38.1 mm
D 69.012 mm

  Detailed Parameters


H71928C Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:AST ,Bore Diameter :140mm ,Size :140x190x24mm ,Bearing Type:15 deg contact. high speed ,Outer Diameter :190mm ,Width :24mm
RNA6906-XL Needle roller bearingsBrand:INA ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,Size :35x47x30mm ,Width :30mm
NK38X52X27 Needle roller bearingsSize :38x52x27mm ,Brand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :38.000mm ,Outer Diameter :52.000mm
7215DT Angular contact ball bearingsWidth :25mm ,Size :75x130x25mm ,Outer Diameter :130mm ,Brand:CYSD ,Bore Diameter :75mm
6817 Deep groove ball bearingsd:85 mm ,Size :85x110x13mm ,Bore Diameter :85mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,Width :13mm
7200-BE-TVP Angular contact ball bearingsSize :10x30x9mm ,Outer Diameter :30mm ,d:10 mm ,Width :9mm ,Brand:NKE ,Bore Diameter :10mm
UKPH207H Bearing unitsBrand:SNR ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,s1:22.5 mm ,d:30 mm
6484/6420 Tapered roller bearingsWidth :53.975mm ,d:69.85 mm ,Outer Diameter :149.225mm ,Size :69.85x149.225x53.975mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :69.85mm
VEB 100 /S 7CE3 Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :140mm ,Bore Diameter :100mm ,Size :100x140x20mm ,Width :20mm ,Brand:SNFA
AXK 1528 Needle roller bearingsBrand:CX ,Outer Diameter :28mm ,Size :15x28x2mm ,Width :2mm ,Bore Diameter :15mm

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