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1219SK NTN 95x170x32mm Weight 3.21 Kg Self aligning ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  1219SK NTN 95x170x32mm Weight 3.21 Kg Self aligning ball bearings

1219SK NTN 95x170x32mm  Weight 3.21 Kg Self aligning ball bearings pdf
rs min 2.1 mm
Associated sleeve reference H219X
e 0.17
Y1 3.7
Y2 5.8
Y0 3.9
Radial clearance class CN
Precision class P0
Mass 3.21 kg
Dynamic load, C 64 kN
Static load, C0 27.1 kN
Nlim (oil) 4.000 rpm
Nlim (grease) 3.400 rpm
Min operating temperature, Tmin -20 °C
Max operating temperature, Tmax 120 °C
da min 106 mm
da max 118 mm
db min 101 mm
Ce min 7 mm
Da max 159 mm
ra max 2 mm
Bearing number 1219SK
Size (mm) 95x170x32
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 95
Outer Diameter (mm) 170
Width (mm) 32
d 95 mm
D 170 mm
B 32 mm
C 32 mm
r min. 2.1 mm
da min. 106 mm
Da max. 159 mm
ra max. 2 mm
Weight 3.21 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 64 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 27.1 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 3 400 r/min
(Oil) Lubrication Speed 4 000 r/min
Calculation factor (e) 0.17
Calculation factor (Y0) 3.9
Calculation factor (Y1) 3.7

  Detailed Parameters


ZKLR1547-2RS Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:INA ,Outer Diameter :38.45mm ,Bore Diameter :15mm ,Size :15x38.45x22mm ,d:15 mm ,Width :22mm
33019 Tapered roller bearingsSize :95x145x39mm ,Bore Diameter :95mm ,Outer Diameter :145mm ,Brand:CRAFT ,Width :39mm ,d:95 mm
NJ18/1600 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :1950mm ,Bore Diameter :1600mm ,Width :155mm ,d:1600 mm ,Size :1600x1950x155mm ,Brand:CX
6014-Z Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :70mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,d:70 mm ,Size :70x110x20mm ,Brand:NKE ,Width :20mm
RE121516BL2 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :15mm ,Size :12x15x16.3mm ,Width :16.3mm ,Fw:12 mm ,Bore Diameter :12mm ,Brand:KOYO
60/2,5ZZA Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:NTN ,Size :2.5x8x4mm ,Bore Diameter :2.5mm ,Outer Diameter :8mm
KV43X50X51.3ZW Needle roller bearingsBrand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :43.000mm ,Fw:43.000 mm ,Outer Diameter :50.000mm
33890/33821 Tapered roller bearingsSize :52.388x95.25x27.783mm ,Outer Diameter :95.25mm ,Bore Diameter :52.388mm ,Brand:Timken
FY 60 TF/VA201 Bearing unitsWidth :17mm ,Outer Diameter :60mm ,Bore Diameter :52mm ,Size :52x60x17mm ,Brand:SKF
NU334 E Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :73mm ,Brand:CX ,Bore Diameter :170mm ,Size :170x361x73mm ,Outer Diameter :361mm

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