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1110KLL Timken 41.275x85x42.86mm G 21.43 mm Deep groove ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  1110KLL Timken 41.275x85x42.86mm G 21.43 mm Deep groove ball bearings

1110KLL Timken 41.275x85x42.86mm  G 21.43 mm Deep groove ball bearings pdf
Bearing number 1110KLL
Size (mm) 41.275x85x42.86
Brand Timken
Bore Diameter (mm) 41.275
Outer Diameter (mm) 85
Width (mm) 42.86
d 41.275 mm
D 85 mm
B 42.86 mm
C 19 mm
d1 60.35 mm
B1 56.36 mm
B2 18.26 mm
G 21.43 mm
L 4.76 mm
S 21.43 mm
Weight 0.934 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 36.3 kN

  Detailed Parameters


695H-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :13mm ,Brand:AST ,Size :5x13x4mm ,Bore Diameter :5mm
23936-MB-W33 Spherical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :250mm ,Bore Diameter :180mm ,Width :52mm ,Brand:NKE ,Size :180x250x52mm
NK16/20M Needle roller bearingsSize :16x24x20mm ,Brand:JNS ,Bore Diameter :16mm ,Outer Diameter :24mm
K 81138-MB Thrust roller bearingsOuter Diameter :240mm ,Bore Diameter :190mm ,Size :190x240x15mm ,Brand:NKE
SL024938 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :190mm ,Width :69mm ,d:190 mm ,Outer Diameter :240.7mm ,Size :190x240.7x69mm ,Brand:NBS
DE08A78LLCS56PX1/L260 Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :74mm ,d:40 mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Width :40mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :40x74x40mm
6008EE Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:SNR ,Outer Diameter :68.000mm ,Bore Diameter :40.000mm ,Size :40x68x15mm
UC206-18L2 Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Width :38.1mm ,Outer Diameter :62mm ,Size :28.575x62x38.1mm ,Bore Diameter :28.575mm
71453/71750 Tapered roller bearingsSize :115.087x190x47.625mm ,Bore Diameter :115.087mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :190mm ,Width :47.625mm
HM252349/HM252315 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :260.35mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :260.35x431.724x82.55mm ,Width :82.55mm ,Outer Diameter :431.724mm ,d:260.35 mm

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