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110TVB472 Timken Weight 14.5 Kg 279.4x368.3x57.15mm Thrust ball bearings - Industrial Bearing

  110TVB472 Timken Weight 14.5 Kg 279.4×368.3×57.15mm Thrust ball bearings

110TVB472 Timken Weight 14.5 Kg 279.4x368.3x57.15mm  Thrust ball bearings pdf
Bearing number 110TVB472
Size (mm) 279.4×368.3×57.15
Brand Timken
Bore Diameter (mm) 279.4
Outer Diameter (mm) 368.3
Width (mm) 57.15
d 279.4 mm
D 368.3 mm
T 57.15 mm
r max 6.4 mm
E 297.7 mm
H 350 mm
Weight 14.5 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 1870 kN

  Detailed Parameters


FL618/3 Deep groove ball bearingsSize :3x7x2mm ,Width :2mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :7mm ,Bore Diameter :3mm
NJ 1014 Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :70x110x20mm ,Bore Diameter :70mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Outer Diameter :110mm
NNCF5013 V Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :65mm ,Brand:CX ,Outer Diameter :100mm ,Size :65x100x46mm
4R20601 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :1380.000mm ,Bore Diameter :1030.000mm ,Size :1030x1380x850mm ,Brand:NTN ,Width :850.000mm
NCF18/500 V Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :500mm ,Outer Diameter :620mm ,Width :56mm ,d:500 mm ,Size :500x620x56mm
7222HG1DUJ74 Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :200mm ,Bore Diameter :110mm ,Size :110x200x76mm ,d:110 mm ,Brand:SNR ,Width :76mm
6026ZZNR Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :130.000mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :130x200x33mm ,Outer Diameter :200.000mm
NP28/1000 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :128mm ,Size :1000x1220x128mm ,Brand:CX ,Bore Diameter :1000mm ,d:1000 mm ,Outer Diameter :1220mm
SYNT 50 L Bearing unitsBrand:SKF ,da:50 mm ,Outer Diameter :70mm ,Size :50x70x65mm ,Width :65mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm
HI-CAP 57390A Tapered roller bearingsSize :40x68x22mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Outer Diameter :68mm

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