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09074/09195/QVQ494 SKF 19.05x49.225x19.845mm r4 min. 1.3 mm Tapered roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  09074/09195/QVQ494 SKF 19.05×49.225×19.845mm r4 min. 1.3 mm Tapered roller bearings

09074/09195/QVQ494 SKF 19.05x49.225x19.845mm  r4 min. 1.3 mm Tapered roller bearings pdf
Bearing number 09074/09195/QVQ494
Size (mm) 19.05×49.225×19.845
Brand SKF
Bore Diameter (mm) 19.05
Outer Diameter (mm) 49.225
Width (mm) 19.845
d 19.05 mm
D 49.225 mm
T 19.845 mm
B 21.539 mm
C 14.288 mm
a 10 mm
d1 32.3 mm
r1 min. 1.5 mm
r2 min. 1.5 mm
r3 min. 1.3 mm
r4 min. 1.3 mm
Ca min. 5 mm
Cb min. 5.5 mm
da max 26 mm
Da min 41 mm
Da max. 42.5 mm
db min 26 mm
Db min. 44 mm
ra max. 1.5 mm
rb max. 1.3 mm
Weight 0.19 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 39.1 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 40 kN
Fatigue load limit (Pu) 4.3
Reference speed 11000 r/min
Limiting speed 17000 r/min
Calculation factor (e) 0.27
Calculation factor (Y) 2.2

  Detailed Parameters


3NCHAR918 Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Bore Diameter :90mm ,Size :90x125x18mm ,Outer Diameter :125mm
UKT309H Bearing unitsBrand:SNR ,L5:24 mm ,L4:97 mm ,d:40 mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm
32028 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:CYSD ,Width :45mm ,d:140 mm ,Outer Diameter :210mm ,Bore Diameter :140mm ,Size :140x210x45mm
21320 KCW33 Spherical roller bearingsBrand:CX ,Bore Diameter :100mm ,Size :100x215x47mm ,Outer Diameter :215mm
NK 37/30 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :37mm ,Brand:NBS ,Size :37x47x30mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,Width :30mm
CX414L Wheel bearingsBrand:CX ,Designation FAG:713678470 ,Designation SKF:VKBA 3431 ,Designation Ruville:5250
LMK35 Linear bearingsd:35 mm ,Outer Diameter :52mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Brand:Samick ,D:52 mm
61909 Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :12mm ,Outer Diameter :68mm ,Brand:CX ,Size :45x68x12mm ,Bore Diameter :45mm
6218-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :160mm ,Width :30mm ,Size :90x160x30mm ,Bore Diameter :90mm ,Brand:KOYO
HK0610 Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :6x10x10mm ,Outer Diameter :10mm ,Brand:CX ,Bore Diameter :6mm ,Width :10mm

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