NSK NN3956MB cylindrical roller bearings
The 62 Outer Diameter (mm) online NSK NN3956MB cylindrical roller bearings parts store gives you immediate access to a selection of more than 1.4 million new, 25x62x17 Size (mm) used, remanufactured.
Size (mm) | 25x62x17 |
Bore Diameter (mm) | 25 |
Outer Diameter (mm) | 62 |
Width (mm) | 17 |
d | 25 mm |
D | 62 mm |
B | 17 mm |
C | 17 mm |
Weight | 0,235 Kg |
Basic dynamic load rating (C) | 20,6 kN |
Basic static load rating (C0) | 11,2 kN |
Detailed Parameters
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