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T-93750/93127D+A NTN 190.5x317.5x146.05mm D 317.5 mm Tapered roller bearings - Industrial Bearing

  T-93750/93127D+A NTN 190.5×317.5×146.05mm D 317.5 mm Tapered roller bearings

T-93750/93127D+A NTN 190.5x317.5x146.05mm  D 317.5 mm Tapered roller bearings pdf
Bearing number T-93750/93127D+A
Size (mm) 190.5×317.5×146.05
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 190.5
Outer Diameter (mm) 317.5
Width (mm) 146.05
d 190.5 mm
D 317.5 mm
T 146.05 mm

  Detailed Parameters


SR3A-2Z Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:ZEN ,Outer Diameter :15.875mm ,Bore Diameter :4.763mm ,Size :4.763x15.875x4.978mm
7034 CDF Angular contact ball bearingsd:170 mm ,Width :84mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :170mm ,Size :170x260x84mm ,Outer Diameter :260mm
K 22x30x20 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :30mm ,Fw:22 mm ,Bore Diameter :22mm ,Ew:30 mm ,Brand:NBS
52414 Thrust ball bearingsWidth :107mm ,Size :73x150x107mm ,Bore Diameter :73mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :150mm
D21 Thrust ball bearingsBore Diameter :44.45mm ,Outer Diameter :78.588mm ,Brand:INA ,Size :44.45x78.588x20.65mm
32BTM4025PL Needle roller bearingsSize :32x40x25mm ,Width :25mm ,Outer Diameter :40mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Bore Diameter :32mm ,Fw:32 mm
KRV 40 PPA Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :18x40x58mm ,Outer Diameter :40mm ,Brand:SKF ,Bore Diameter :18mm
25580/25526 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :85mm ,Brand:Timken ,Size :44.45x85x23.812mm ,Bore Diameter :44.45mm
42381/42587D+X2S-42381 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :96.838mm ,Size :96.838x149.225x66.672mm ,Brand:Timken ,Outer Diameter :149.225mm
211KDG Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :55mm ,Outer Diameter :100mm ,Size :55x100x21mm ,Brand:Timken

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